【简答题】根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 1. The good news from Lily ______ Jim ______ (使高兴,振作). 2. Mr. Lee is a kind man. He can _______ (和……友好相处) his friends. 3. He thought hard. At last he ______ (想出) an idea. 4. They got up...
【简答题】根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。 1. — What's your t _____ number? — It's (010)5987463. 2. Mr. Lee is our teacher. He isn't young. His hair is g _____. 3. — Is that skirt yours? — Yes, it's m _____. 4. Please help me ...
【多选题】下列属于应征消费税的应税消费品的有( )。
【单选题】2017年9月,某加油站通过加油机加注成品油600吨(包括加油站自用车辆自用汽油720升),其中:汽油500吨、柴油100吨,汽油、柴油的平均零售价均为6.5元/升;当月发售加油卡20万元;购进汽油、柴油取得的增值税专用发票上注明的金额为380万元,当月通过认证并申报抵扣。该加油站当月应纳增值税( )万元。(汽油1吨=1388升;柴油1吨=1176升)
【简答题】What salutations would you use to address the following people? 1. a company 2. Robert Johnson (a business man with a doctor's degree) 3. Linda Lee (marital status unkonwn) 4. Mrs.Sunny Black and Mar...