【简答题】下列两幅图中,甲图为“太阳光照图”,乙图为“地球公转示意图”。读图,回答下列问题。(5分) (1)甲图中此时表示的节气是____,此时,我们咸宁市的昼夜长短状况是 ____。(2分) (2)今天(6月20日)此刻,同学们正在认真完成地理试卷,那么,此刻太阳运行在图乙中所示的_______段,大约再过三个月,太阳将直射在_______(纬线)附近。(2分) (3)下列诗句反映甲图所示季节景象最可能的...
【单选题】I think the computer _____________ (not replace) man under any circumstances in the near future.
【简答题】I think the computer _____________ (not replace) man under any circumstances in the near future.
【简答题】(18分)图5和图6为世界两区域图,读图回答下列问题。 图5 图6 (1)(9分)分析图5中甲国降水的空间分布规律,并解释原因。 (2)(9分)分析图5、图6中两国发展大牧场放牧业的共同的优势条件。
【单选题】XX 事业单位核算本月应付银行短期借款利息。该项借款的本金为 240 000 元,借款期限为 3 个月,年利率为 4% 。编制会计分录: 借: 800 贷:应付利息 800 。分录中借方科目为 ( )
【简答题】图5中右图为某大洋东岸大陆等高线地形图;左图为丙区域的放大图,其中实线为等高线(单位:米),虚线为地层界线。回答7~8题。 7.图6中能反映图5中左图地层剖面示意图的是 8.若丙地区为温带落叶阔叶林,则关于甲、乙两河特征的叙述正确的是 A.甲河东北岸冲刷严重 B.与乙河相比,甲河径流的季节变化更小 C.甲、乙两河与潜水之间补给特点全年一致 D.与甲河相比,乙河的航运条件更好
【简答题】(ii) Explain the accounting treatment under IAS39 of the loan to Bromwich in the financial statements of Ambush for the year ended 30 November 2005. (4 marks)
【单选题】Under the rule of Charles II, English seized the colony on Manhattan Island from the Dutch and named it
【单选题】(i)What was the fixed production overhead absorbed amount during year 4? (ii)By how much was the fixed production overhead under or over absorbed?
(i)$405,000 (ii)Under absorbed by $27,000
(i)$384,000 (ii)Under absorbed by $72,000
(i)$432,000 (ii)Under absorbed by $75,000
(i)$459,000 (ii)Over absorbed by $27,000