A. I looked forward to spending Christmas with my friends. B. Mother prepared a flaming Christmas pudding as a special treat for the occasion. C. When grandma saw the flaming pudding, tears of joy filled her eyes. D. Mother insisted on having a Christmas tree in grandma’s house. E. Mother took all decorations from our Christmas tree along with all the trimmings needed for a complete turkey dinner to grandma’s. F. My grandmother and uncle had no plan for the Christmas. G. Mother bought me a very expensive Christmas gift. H. My grandmother and uncle Henry lived out of town and lacked the “good things” in life. I. I just had my first job and would like to decide in what way to spend the holiday season. J. My grandmother and uncle didn’t welcome us. 1. I didn’t want to visit grandma for the coming Christmas. __________________________ 2. I knew that mom had given me the best Christmas present ever. __________________________