【判断题】When you're writing an email to apply for a job, to save your time, it is highly recommended that you send your cover letter and resume in email attachment.
【单选题】甲市A、B两店为实行统一核算的连锁店,A店的下列经营活动中,不视同销售货物计算增值税销项税额的是( )。
【简答题】Imagine that you're writing a multiple choice quiz along with four other students. When you hand it in, your instructor reads it over and says, "The other three students responded 'd' to this question...
【简答题】When you're writing a paper, you must ____________ the sources of the statements you have quoted to support your argument.
【单选题】When you're writing to someone who went out of their way for you ,people really appreciate ( ) letters.
【单选题】when you're writing to someone who went out of their way for you ,people really appreciate thank-you letters.
【简答题】观测前一小时测站有 冰雹或霰 ( 伴有或不伴有雨 ),ww编()
【简答题】Fill in the following blanks with the words and phrases given below. Change the forms where necessary. acknowledge leave behind carve come up with obsession be endowed with morale submit put in cite c...
【单选题】when you're writing to someone who went out of their way for you ,people really appreciate ( ) letters.
【单选题】When you are writing a persuasive claim letter about a problem and you're worried that your reader might be reluctant to grant your request, you should use ( )
the indirect strategy.
a blended direct and indirect strategy.