【判断题】The "triple-bottom-line" philosophy says that successful organizations focus on financial performance three times more often than do less successful organizations.
【简答题】“从生活走进化学,从化学走向社会”.请你和小红一起回答下列问题. (1)孝敬老人,是中华民族的传统美德.我县九年级学生小红、小华等三十人为敬老院送去歌舞和水仙花.花香满院,请用分子的性质解释闻到花香的原因______. (2)小红在冰箱里放置竹炭,有效地除去异味,这是利用了竹炭的______性. (3)小红家的下列厨房用品中,属于金属材料的有______(填标号). (4)小红发现家中防盗网上的铁...
【单选题】What is the letter about?
A successful business venture
A business bank account
A loan application status
【简答题】(10分)“从生活走进化学,从化学走向社会”。请你和小红一起回答下列问题。 (1)孝敬老人,是中华民族的传统美德。我县九年级学生小红、小华等三十人为敬老院送去歌舞和水仙花。花香满院,请用分子的性质解释闻到花香的原因_________________。 (2)小红在冰箱里放置竹炭,有效地除去异味,这是利用了竹炭的___________性。 (3)小红家的下列厨房用品中,属于金属材料的有______(...
【单选题】Successful financial intermediaries have higher earnings on their investments because they are better equipped than individuals to screen out good from bad risks, thereby reducing losses due to
【单选题】Successful financial intermediaries have higher earnings on their investments because they are better equipped than individuals to screen out good from bad risks, thereby reducing losses due to
【单选题】To write a successful and convincing proposal, you should use charts and financial _________ purposefully.