【单选题】若X是后序线索二叉权中的叶结点,且X存在左兄弟结点Y,则X的右线索指向的是( )。
【多选题】Which of the following sentences are proper ways to tell others about your name?
【单选题】Her name is Ann Read. Read is her __________ name. [ ]
【单选题】The following is a shell program. Read it and answer read name if [ $name = "Jack" ]; then echo "hello Jack" else echo "I do not know you ” fi What is the role of '[]'
Refer the string variable name and determine if it is equal to Jack
Determine whether the variable name is Jack
Determine whether the variable Jack is $name
Refer the string variable Jack and determine if it is equal to $name
【简答题】The proper name RAF stands for:
【简答题】“川气东送”工程是继西气东输之后我国兴建的又一条能源大动脉,西起四川达州市.途经六省两市,干线长度1700 千米。“川气东送”可被列为继三峡工程、西气东偷、青藏铁路、南水北调之后的第五大工程。根据右图回答题 小题1:与轮南至上海的西气东输管道干线相比,普光至上海的川气东送方案具有的优点是( ) ①沿线经济发达,市场需求量大 ②途经我国水能最丰富的三峡地区,供气更方便 ③ 经过的高原山地少,工程量小...
【简答题】1932 年国际业余篮球联合协会在 宣布成立
【单选题】Which is not the proper way of asking the guest’s name?
Do you mind if I ask your name?
【单选题】预制构件生产前,应建立( )制度,构件验收合格后,方可批量生产。