【单选题】一个形如 ( 为常数,且 不同时为零)的方程表示 面上的一条直线,那么方程组 有唯一解的几何意义是:
【简答题】The following sentence changes person within the sentence, causing
unnecessary shifts. Rewrite the sentence. Change the incorrect pronoun and the verb form if necessary.
(Hint: Pay careful attention...
【单选题】“You can take anything you like from the gifts.” Rewrite the sentence using the word “whatever”.
You can take whatever that you like from the gifts.
You can take anything whatever you like from the gifts.
You can take whatever you like from the gifts.
You can take anything you like whatever from the gifts.
【判断题】若4×5的矩阵 为某个线性方程组的增广矩阵,且矩阵A的简化阶梯形矩阵有4个非零行,则该线性方程组有唯一解。
【判断题】线性方程组有 个未知量,增广矩阵经初等行变换所化得的行简化形有 个非零行,则方程组必有唯一解。
【简答题】Rewrite the sentence in passive voice. I considered various research methods for the study.
【单选题】小王带领北京的一个旅游团在法国游览时,经常在旅游车上与法国导游员用法文交谈,游客很不满。小王犯了什么错误让游客不满。( )
【简答题】Rewrite the sentence in pasive voice. During the interview I asked students about their experiences.