【多选题】如图所示,木板 P 下端通过光滑铰链固定于水平地面上的 O 点,物体 A 、 B 叠放在木板上且处于静止状态,此时 物 体 B 的上表面水平。现使木板 P 绕 O 点缓慢旋转到虚线所示位置,物体 A 、 B 仍保持静止,与原位置的情况相比 ( )
【单选题】If not going through the thunder and the storm, you won’t see the rainbow, so you should not be _____ by temporary setbacks in our life.
【单选题】执行如下程序从键盘输入字符串“abcdefg”,则程序输出_____________.#include#include#defineSIZE100voidstrchange(charstr[]){intn=strlen(str);if(n==0||n==1)return;else{inti,j;for(i=0,j=n-1;i<=n /2-1;i++,j--){chartmp;tmp=str[i];s...
【简答题】请 拍照 上传到答案区域。 rainbows my heart leaps up when i behold a rainbow in the sky wrote william wordsworth the famous poet and most of us share his feelings when we are lucky enough to see a rainbow there i...