【简答题】已知 是等差数列 的前 项和,且 , . (1)求数列 的通项公式. (2)设 ,求证:数列 为等比数列,并求数列 的通项公式.
【简答题】下面选项中,能够更新user表中数据的SQL语句是A. update into user set id = 'u001'; B. update user set id = 'u001' and username='jack'; C. update user set username='jack' where id = 1; D. update into user set id = 'u001', ...
【单选题】Would you like ______ another cup of coffee?
【单选题】Would you like ________ a cup of tea? [ ]
【简答题】选择填空( refreshed, refreshing) . He became___________ after drinking a cup of____coffee.