A. From the potential bidder to the Employer Date: Dear Sirs, Sub: Reply to Preliminary Inquiry Tender for (name of project) Thank you for your letter of (date) asking us whether we wish to be invited to submit a tender for this project in accordance with the conditions you set out. We shall be pleased to accept such an invitation if extended and we look forward to hearing from you further. Yours faithfully, (name of bidding company) B. From the potential bidder to the Employe Date: Dear Sirs, Sub: Queries from Tender Documents On examination of the tender document enclosed with your letter of (date) and following our inspection of the site, it is found that some descriptions in the tender documents are ambiguous and that there are some discrepancies between what is described therein and what has been observed at the site. Therefore, we wish to draw the following matters to your attention: We shall be grateful if you can clarify these two items so that we may be certain that we are tendering on the correct basis. Yours faithfully, (name of bidding company)