【单选题】—I was worried about chemistry, but Mr. Brown gave me an A! rn—________________.
Congratulations! That’s a difficult course
Mr. Brown is very good
【单选题】—This box is too heavy for me to carry it upstaris.rn—________________.
【单选题】The local gove rn ment leaders are making every effort to_____the problem of poverty .
【单选题】—Thank you ever so much for the coat you bought me. rn—________________.
【单选题】—Would you like to go skating with me?rn—________________.
【多选题】《国民旅游休闲纲要(2013 -2020年)》提出,要落实对( )等群体实行减免门
【简答题】为什么他的礼物,好像并没让老师感动而相反,他却被老师的礼物深深感动?请结合全文说出原因找回颤动的感觉 林夕 (1)毕业前最后一次班会,班主任童老师说了许多祝福和叮咛的话,然后发给每人一张稿纸,让他们写出自己认为未来人生最重要的三件事。算是高中最后一篇作文。 (2)童老师话音刚落,他就在稿纸上写出答案:赚一万元钱、住有阳台的楼房、看罗大佑演唱会。 (3)二十年过去了,已成为京城富商的他,又回到故乡,...
【单选题】The gove rn ment has devoted a larger slice of its financial ____ to agriculture than most other countries.