Today, 2500 years after the Ancient Greeks first brought them up, philosophers still love asking questions, oftentimes, the same big questions, and they don't mind that they never get an answer. One of the first might best be phrased as, what is the nature of reality? Like, is the world just madk up of matter and energy? Or is there a God? What kind of being am I? All of these questions are ways of exploring what philosophers call __, one of the three main branches of philosophy. An effort to understand the fundamental nature. The second major field of philosophy is __, which is like, knowing about knowing, literally the study of knowledge. It poses questions like, is the world really what i think it is? like really, is everything I see and think and experience, is actually true? and what's the best way to go about figuring out the truth? Is science the best way? how do I know if I'm right?can I ever be certain about anything? Besides these, there's another area of philosohy that helps frame your thinking around what you actually do. like how you should act and what you should attach meaning to. It's called __, and it's usually divided into two main branches, the first is __, the second is__.