【判断题】A self-executing treaty is one that contains a provision that says the treaty will apply in the parties’ municipal courts once the parties have adopted domestic enabling legislation.
【单选题】哪一部作品写的是草莽英雄,江湖豪杰之事;仗义行侠,报仇雪恨之心的故事? ( )
【简答题】请简单解释Python中 staticmethod(静态方法)和 classmethod(类方法), 并分别补充代码执行下列方法。 class A (object) : def foo (self, x) : print( "executing foo(%s, %s)" % (self,x)) @classmethod def class_foo (cls, x) : print( "execut...
【单选题】Which of the following best describes a self-executing treaty?
It is a treaty that requires state parties to enact enabling legislation before it becomes effective domestically.
It is a treaty containing a term that says that it is directly effective within the signatory states upon ratification.
It is a treaty adopted according to the constitutional provisions of the ratifying state.
It is a treaty or international agreement entered into by a state’s executive without following the state’s constitutionally required ratification procedure.
【多选题】细胞质膜是紧贴细胞壁内侧.包围着细胞质的一层柔软.脆弱.富有弹性的半透性薄膜, 厚约 7-8nm,由磷脂(占 20%-30%)和蛋白质(占 50%-70%)组成.其主要功能有: