【单选题】.在单向半波整流电路中,若输入的交流电压为10V,则二极管承受的最高反向工作电压约为( )V。
【单选题】低合金钢有18种钢号,钢号前面的两位数字表示其平均含碳量的百分数,后面的元素符号表示该种合金,合金含量以百分数表示。当该元素平均含量小于( )%时,不标明含量;当其平均含量大于( )%或( )%时,则在元素后面标出2、3等字。
【简答题】What do we need to notice when we travel? please list the things we need to pay attention to when we travel according to your experience.
【判断题】We need to speak further about this.This sentence means we need to discuss the problem more.
【简答题】If we want to become smart thinkers, we may need to reflect on our own views and positions. We need to ask ourselves questions constantly. What kind of questions do we need to ask ourselves?
【单选题】注册会计师可以就计划审计工作的基本情况与( )沟通
【判断题】We need to speak further about this. This sentence means we need to discuss the problem more.