【单选题】Now let’s have ( ) free talk then we’ll move on to the question of cash flow.
【简答题】病例摘要: 李某,女,59岁,教师。 患者于10年前开始偶尔于饮酒或浓茶、咖啡后出现心慌,无其他不适,约1、2分钟后自行缓解。10年来心慌症状有逐渐加重的趋势,但一直未予治疗。近1个月来,由于工作持续劳累,经常加班,导致症状明显增多,几乎每日发作,有时候持续1、2个小时不能缓解。心慌气短,活动尤甚,眩晕乏力,面色无华。 查体:T36.2℃,P84次/分,R20次/分,BP120/80mmHg。心率...
【单选题】水的三态的熵值的大小关系正确的是 [ ]
【单选题】He got very angry and ______ that no one had warned him that he would have to move to a smaller office.
【简答题】男, 36岁,风湿性关节炎病史15年, 1年来出现逐渐加重的乏力,食欲减退,下肢水肿,内科治疗效果不佳,2个月来出现活动后心慌气短,2天来不能平卧,查体: 呼吸28次/分, 血压 105/80mmHg, 奇脉, 颈静脉怒张, 心音遥远,心率112次/分,房颤律, 右侧呼吸音减低, 肝大, 腹水征阳性,下肢水肿明显。X线检查提示:右侧大量胸腔积液, 左侧小量胸腔积液, 心脏无明显扩大,心包有钙化影。...
【简答题】A.Money is important. B.Responsibility means more than salary. C.High salary secures better performance. D.Future income is more important than starting salary.
【简答题】flow or move as a small river vi.
【简答题】A.He should at first do nothing and go with the flow. B.He should paddle hard to move away from the shore. C.He should try to stay where he is. D.He should lean forward.
【判断题】“Pour” means “run, flow or move in large numbers” in this lesson.