设窗体上有Text1、Text2两个文本框,并编写了下面的程序代码: Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) If "A" <= Chr(KeyAscii) And Chr(KeyAscii) <= "Z" Then KeyAscii = KeyAscii + (Asc("a") - Asc("A")) End If n = 0 If KeyAscii = 13 Then For k = 1 To Len(Text1) ch$ = Mid(Text1, k, 1) If "a" <= ch And ch <= "z" Then n = n + 1 Next k Text2 = n End If End Sub 程序运行时,在Text1文本框中输入“Visual Basic 6.0”后按回车键,则在Text2文本框显示的是