【单选题】If you do it , you won't make a mistake. [ ]
【单选题】If you do it ______ , do it well.
【单选题】—I don't think I can find the differences between the two pictures. —If you do it ____, I'm sure you can find them. [ ]
【多选题】What are recommended for the candidates to do before the interview?
Bring many enough copies of the résumé with you.
Ask about who will participate in the interview.
Get to know the route to the place and how long it will take.
Find out if they can park near the place or not.
【单选题】If you do it ______ , do it well.
【简答题】斯里兰卡旧称锡兰,经济以农业为主,是世界三大产茶国之一。呦呦锡兰奶茶,其茶香与牛奶交融后,“香的刚刚好,回味也更好”。读斯里兰卡图,回答1~2题。 1.有关斯里兰卡的描述正确的是 [ ] A.河流短小流速缓慢 B.地势中部高四周低 C.造成A、D两地降水差异的主要因素是洋流 D.人口和城市主要分布在沿海地区 2.影响该国茶叶生产的主要自然灾害有 [ ] A.寒潮 B.飓风 C.旱涝...