WEEK 3 Questionnaire: Friends - Season 1 episode 1 As you grow up, what types of experiences shape our psychological development? How do our experiences “play out” in our adult lives? What are some experiences you remember growing up you were not happy with? What negative feelings do you remember having? Why? What negative relationships can you remember having? What is dysfunctional behavior in adulthood is a sign of? Why talk about and be aware of our dysfunctional behavior/psychological problems? What makes us vulnerable to our psychological problems? What is it called when we talk out our frustration on people who are not responsible for our problem and we it without even realizing, sometimes denying, that we are doing so? [i.e. we make trouble for ourselves and others not responsible for our problem] What are some examples of dysfunctional behavior? How can we use psychoanalytic theory to understand media? What are the basic concepts of psychoanalysis you can use while you analyze media? What are some ideas about how our family and society shape who you are? (5) What role does repression and the subconscious/unconscious play in our daily life? Can repression of the unconscious be a bad thing, a good thing, or does it depend on the circumstances? What are signs of repression? (7) How do we keep ourselves of becoming conscious of the experiences we’ve repressed? What are some common [psychological] defenses? What is a Core Issue/Core Conflict and can a person have more than one? How many core issues does each person have? What are a few core issues? (Name at least 2 core issues.) What is Dream Symbolism? Who is a famous psychoanalyst who developed the study of dream symbolism? What are a few symbols used by psychoanalysts to interpret dreams? How to express the basics concepts of psychoanalysis to discuss the psychological circumstance of a character and your self? What emotional problems do the characters exhibit? What does the character do that is a sign? What core issue(s) is related to the behavior they exhibit? What are Ross’s core issues? What are his defenses? What are Rachel’s core issues? What are Rachel’s defenses? What relationship with her family has caused her to have this core issue? Episode questions What are the names of the six characters? What do we learn all six characters have in common? What figure of speeches are used frequently during their dialogue? Which character shares his dream? What was his dream? What type of core issue might is signify? Why does Ross have an emotional problem in the beginning of the episode? What activity does Joey suggest Ross should do that could be considered a sign of repression? Why would this be considered “repression”? What might be a healthier way for Ross to work through his emotional problem? Who walks in wearing a wedding dress and is greeted by Monica? What does the Rachel become aware of? Has Rachel become aware of an issue she has been repressing in her subconscious/unconscious? What defenses characterize Rachel’s behavior? What do you think Rachel’s core issue is? and Why? What are some signs that Rachel has an emotional problem? Who is Rachel arguing with on the phone? What does she explain to the person? While Rachel is talking on the phone, her friends are watching a television show and there is a conflict between two women on television. What do they suggest one of the women do? Even though this may seem unrelated, can it be interpreted as a symbol of that represents the feelings between Rachel and her father’s desire for her to be married? What symbol/metaphor does Rachel use to describe how other people define her and tell her she is? What do you think Rachel’s father said that would cause Rachel to say, “look daddy it’s my life”? What does the character suggest she will do? What do you think Rachel’s father said to cause Rachel to say, “Well maybe I don’t need your money. Wait!! Wait, I said maybe!!”? When Rachel says, “Wait!! Wait, I said maybe!!” what does it suggest about Rachel’s identity and her father’s money? What core issue is she trying to resolve be staying with Monica? What does Joey’s imply to Rachel should do when Monica is not home? What is the nature of the behavior Joey's continual suggestions to friends to repress and avoid their emotional problems? Monica is going on a date with Paul the Wine Guy, so she can’t stay to comfort with Rachel. Who tries to comfort her during her emotional problem? During dinner, why does Paul the Wine Guy tell Monica he is such an idiot? He says his ex-girlfriend was “going to the dentist 4 to 5 times a week, how clean can your teeth get?” Does Paul the Wine Guy willingness to share with Monica the cause of his emotional problem show that he is attempting to heal and resolve his problem? What does Paul the Wine Guy suggest when Monica asks him what he would suggest to help her brother get through a break up? What did Paul the Wine Guy break? Was his behavior dysfunctional and if so what would his defense be described as? (denail, avoidance, displacement or projection?) Why? What does Rachel explain to Barry, her fiancé when she’s leaving a long message on his voicemail? What metaphor does Joey use to comfort Ross when Ross expresses the assumption that what there might be only one woman for everyone? Why do you think he compares women to the thing he chooses? Is have casual romantic relationships with many different people a healthy way to resolve emotional problems that are the result of experiences with bad romantic relationships? Who in the episode do we find out does have casual relationships with many different people to displace his pain and anger? What does Paul the Wine Guy hesitate to reveal to Monica? How long has he had this problem and why does it suggest that it’s a deep emotional problem? His hesitation might signify what type(s) of core issues? Meanwhile, what is Jennifer Aniston doing to comfort herself? Ross is still using the metaphor to talk about his relationship when he says “do you know how long it’s been since I grabbed a spoon?” What does his comment or comments suggest his core issue(s) is? Why? The next morning, who walks out of Monica’s bedroom and what does it suggest happened? Does this suggest that the character’s emotional problem has been resolved? Why? How does Monica’s experience contrast with Rachel’s experience? What is the evidence? Rachel expresses to her friend that she is going to go get one of those ... what does she say she will go get? What does this suggest about how she is dealing with her emotional problem? Who do you think influenced Rachel? Why? Rachel’s identity was defined by her parents previously; now who is influencing Rachel’s identity? What type of core issue make someone vulnerable to the influence, for good or bad, of other people and is changing the way we look or behave? What is Monica‘s job? What is the name of her friend who returns from Florida? What does Brandy assume happened to Monica? When Monica confesses to Brandy what happened, what does Brandy confess to her? What does she realize about Paul? In this episode the characters use many figures of speech to describe things. What aspect of psychoanalysis might this be related to? What metaphor does Brandy use to describe Pauls private parts? What is the term used to describe behavior where an individual’s negative feelings about one person are being taken out on someone else in order to relieve pain or anger? What is Paul doing since he broke up with his girlfriend who cheated on him with the dentist? What is Paul only interested in? What does Monica say that shows she is aware of why Paul has done what he did? What does Jennifer Aniston feel so happy about even though she has not found a job and been rejected 12 times? How did she pay for the boots? Who pays the credit card? Can irresponsible spending considered a self-destructive dysfunctional behavior? Why? How is shopping being used as a defense(s) by Rachel to repress her emotional problem? (choose one: denial, avoidance, displacement, projection)? What do Rachel’s friends encourage her to do in order to avoid more self-destructive dysfunctional behavior? Rachel’s action signifies the end of what defense? What does Rachel suggest getting married would solve? What might Rachel be in denial of? Who is responsible for Rachel’s happiness? Phoebe express is very negative aspects of her past, her mom just died, her step-dad ended up in prison, and her ex-boyfriend died but she has a very upbeat attitude. Does it suggest that Phoebe has resolved whatever emotional problems she has had in the past or not? Why does Phoebe share such tragic information with Rachel? When Monica expresses it is time to go to bed she’s sitting on the couch with Ross. What body language and behavior does Monica express towards Ross? Is this the kind of behavior brother and sister usually express? What does Rachel find on the floor? What does Monica do as she’s walking toward her bedroom? Why? What type of defense does her behavior suggest? What does Ross share with Rachel while they are eating cookies? Ross says, “I thought you just always thought I was Monica’s geeky older brother”. What core issue is Ross “ acting out ”? What does Ross suggest should not be a factor in Rachel’s decision to answer his question? What does he ask her to consider? Is her answer clear? Why? By the end of this episode, how many main characters do we realize are experiencing emotional problems?
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