【判断题】在有月初在产品定额变动差异时,产品实际成本的计算公式:产品实际成本=产品定额成本±脱离定额差异±定额变动差异( )
【简答题】She told her mother all had happened.
【单选题】“协和万邦”“亲仁善邻”“永不结盟”“睦邻友好”所体现的民族精神是( )
【判断题】When the writer told her mother that she was going to get married, her mother felt very sad.
【单选题】Mary could invite her friends to the house at her own ______ if she told her mother in time.
【判断题】在有月初在产品定额变动差异时,产品实际成本的计算公式:产品实际成本=产品定额成本±脱离定额差异±定额变动差异( )。
【判断题】She told her mother about it.
【单选题】"She told her mother that she was wrong." has a mistake of ___.
faulty parallel construction
pronouns with ambiguous reference