【简答题】电子气泡式水平仪结构简图如下图 所示,密封的玻璃内充入导电液体,中间保留一个小气泡。玻璃管两端各引出一根不锈钢电极。在玻璃管中间对称位置的下方引出一个不锈钢公共电极。请分析该水平仪的工作原理之后填空。 1 )当被测平面完全水平时,气泡应处于玻璃管的中位置,左右两侧的不锈钢电极与公共电极之间的电阻 R 1 、 R 2 的阻值相同。如果希望此时电桥的输出电压 U o =0 ,则 R 1 、 R 2 、...
【多选题】In what situations can the interpreters use this omission?
When synonyms and repetitions are often used just in order to achieve a certain effect on the listeners.
When the speaker is reading a written text at a fairly fast speed and the text is not available to the interpreters, the interpreters have to cut some secondary information and maybe provide a summary to replace the full source language text.
When the speaker miss the information he needs to interpret.