【单选题】根据汉字国标GB 2312-1980的规定,将汉字分为常用汉字(一级)和非常用汉字(二级)两级汉字。一级常用汉字的排列是按( )。
【单选题】根据汉字国标GB2312-1980的规定,将汉字分为常用汉字(一纽)和非常用汉字(二级)两级汉字。一级常用汉字的排列是按( )。
【简答题】关于汉字外码,下列说法不正确的是 ______。 (A) 汉字外码是用于将汉字输入到机器内所使用的编码; (B) 汉字外码不是0,1编码; (C) 汉字外码不一定是等长编码; (D) 汉字外码有拼音码、音型码、字型码和字模点阵码。
【单选题】在对联中上下联中心一致意义相对互为映衬这叫( )。
【单选题】有关慢性肾功能衰竭发病机制的几种假说, 不包括
【多选题】汉字库按汉字的使用频率将汉字库分为 ____和____。
【单选题】In the year 1688, fears of the establishment of a Catholic dynasty in England led prominent Protestant statesmen to invite William of Orange from ______ to assume the throne, which was called 'the Glo...
【单选题】There have been three periods in the history of post-war broadcast interviewing. The first, 'the age of respect', when it was an honour to have you, the interviewee, on the programme, lasted until the...
knew more about politics than they did
should be honoured to meet them
really were eager to be politicians too
gave them a difficult time in interviews
【判断题】射极跟随器的电压放大倍数为 1,因此对信号不具有放大作用。 ( )