根据下列中文企业介绍提示,完成相应英文企业介绍。 ABC公司 ABC集团股份有限公司创办于1981年,是一家综合性大型国有企业。经过22年的发展,ABC集团从一个制作音像磁带的小型地方工厂发展成为自主经营(不用国家资本投入)的大型企业,年销售超过了30亿。如今ABC集团已成为国内外知名企业,在多媒体电子、家用电器、通讯设施、信息以及电工等许多领域都有所发展。同时ABC集团一直稳步发展,在过去十年中以47%的复合年增长率不断增长,是增长速度最快的工业制造企业之一。目前,ABC涉及的家电、通讯设施、信息以及电工四大主导产品都居国内同行前列。从整体上看,ABC集团在全国 知名电子信息百强企业中列第 4名,2002年其品牌价值达人民币18.769亿元。2002年ABC集团销售总额达人民币31.9亿元,出口创汇1.16亿美元。同时,2002年ABC产生利润人民币1.5亿元,纳税人民币1.9亿元。 ABC Corporation ABC Corporation is a comprehensive 1 , 2 in 1981. 22 years has 3 that ABC has become an enterprise with annual sales 4 3 billion from a small audio cassette-made, local factory, into which without 5 plunging. Now, ABC is well known from home to abroad, and has developed in many areas such as Multimedia Electronics, 6 , Telecommunication Equipment, Information Components, and Electronics Components. Moreover, ABC has undergone a period of substantial progress, and is one of the fastest-growing major industry manufactures, having racked up a compound annual growth rate of 47 percent in the past decade. Today, all the four 7 lead the tide in their fields. As a whole, ABC is ranked four in a rating for the China 100 prestigious Electronics & IT enterprises and ABC 8 in 2002 reached RMB 1.8769 billion. In 2002, the ABC Group had total sales of RMB 3.19 billion and export 9 came to US$0.116 billion. ABC also generated a 10 of RMB 0.15 billion in 2002, and paid RMB 0.19 billion in taxes.