【简答题】Academies are publicly funded by independent schools, free ___ local authority and national government control.
【判断题】As Prof. Hoffmann says, there are no national universities in the US, except for the military academies for the Air Force Academy, the Navy Academy and the Marine Academy. _____
【简答题】National Academies in the USA developed the first set of Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research in _______.
【判断题】《玫瑰三愿》创作于1931 年6月2日,是国立音专老师龙七,在淞沪之战停战后,看到校园里的玫瑰凋零,触景生情,心中感伤而作。由黄自为其作曲。
【简答题】Bruce Alberts, the former President of the National Academies (USA), has now taken over as Editor-in Chief of Science. Judging by his editorial in this week’s issue Considering Science Education there...
【单选题】《玫瑰三愿》是由我国著名作曲家( )所创作的艺术歌曲。
【简答题】A.institutions B.proposals C.academies. D.enforcements