【单选题】The rhetorical figure used in the sentence “He is as poor as a church mouse, and a church mouse like him eats like a horse.” is , which produces a humorous effect.
【单选题】现有一款 iPhone6s/iPhone6 手机壳,成本价是 8.75 元 / 个,运往美国的运费为 17 元,卖家打算利润率定 30% ,打 8 折,速卖通平台收取 5% 的佣金。请问这款手机壳定价应为多少?已知美元:人民币 =1:6 。(请保留两位小数)
【单选题】He is as strong as a __________.
【单选题】在 Photoshop 中, 通过拷贝图层的快捷键是( ), 选区反选的快捷是 Ctrl+Shift+I , 要复制图层图形按住键盘上的 Alt
【单选题】He is as poor as a church mouse, and a church mouse like him eats like a horse.
【简答题】7 100 m也可用7%m表示______(判断对错)