【单选题】听力原文: Some mental health research has linked depression in women with lower weight in their babies during the first year of life. They studied 632 women from small villages. The women were in good phy...
How depression affects women's health.
How depression in mothers affects their babies' weight.
【简答题】永明公司2006年5月发出材料50000元,委托市机械制造厂加工产品一批,同月收回加工完毕的产品,取得对方开具的增值税专用发票,注明加工费用20000元,增值税额3400元,款项尚未支付。则正确的会计处理是A. 借:委托加工材料50000贷:原材料50000 B. 借:委托加工材料20000应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额)3400 C. 借:库存商品70000贷:委托加工材料70000 D. 借...