【判断题】Mr. Smith will go to the Summer Palace on the fi rst day
【单选题】If Mr. Smith doesn't go to Hawaii for holiday, ____. [ ]
【单选题】Mr. Smith will go back to London tomorrow. Yes. I will see ______ off at the airport.
【判断题】Mr. Smith will go to attend Guangzhou Trade Fair next Wednesday.
【单选题】模具受到损坏,不能通过修复而继续服役时,称为 ( )
【单选题】Mr. Smith won’t go to work if he _________this afternoon.
【单选题】Mr.Smith will go to Shanghai with .
the representative of the company
【判断题】现如今我们称女婿为乘龙快婿的典故出自《真诰·运象篇第一》。( )