【单选题】Our government means to ________ the gap between the rich and the poor by increasing the tax on one's income. [ ]
【单选题】Why did Emily initially choose to attend Cornell University?
Cornell University has high standard faculty.
Cornell University has a tree climbing PE class.
Cornell University is an Ivy League research university.
Cornell University has a good reputation for academic research.
【单选题】All the scientific evidence _____ that increasing use of chemicals in farming ______ damaging our health. [ ]
【简答题】The Cornell note-taking system was firstly proposed by the professor Pauk from Cornell University.
【简答题】《紫萸香慢》:“尽乌纱便随风去,要天知道,华发如此星星,歌罢涕零。”的作者是( )。
【简答题】(材料)小强平时读书很用功,认真听讲,及时完成作业,对所学知识能够自觉复习,看了一遍又一遍,从不懈怠;背诵语文、数学等有关知识时,总是一字不漏。可是尽管学习很刻苦,常常比别人多花很多时间,然而事倍功半,一到考试时,总是该记的记不住或者记得不准确,成绩不太理想。 针对小强的情况,如何提高小强的记忆效果?
【判断题】We have to high taxes on importe drinks.