【单选题】Country music is an American popular-music style. In its current form, country music is a combination of two separate musical traditions: the styles of the Southeastern states and the music of the Sou...
Country music style. and the musical style. of the Southeastern states.
The musical styles of the Southwestern states and the Southeastern states.
The Southwestern musical style. and Texas musical style.
The styles of blues and the black rural dance music.
【简答题】背景资料:深圳南顺面粉有限公司(4403140461)出口面粉一批,货物存放在工厂仓库内。该企业为海关AEO认证的一般信用等级企业。 进出口报关单(新版).docx 实践教学任务(任务2一般进出境申报单据填写).doc
【简答题】设函数f(x)=x 2 +|2x-a|(x∈R,a为实数). (1)若f(x)为偶函数,求实数a的值; (2)设a>2,求函数f(x)的最小值.
【简答题】PN结中内建电场的方向是由 区指向 区。
【简答题】设函数f(x)=x 2 +aln(x+1). (Ⅰ)求函数f(x)的单调区间; (Ⅱ)若函数F(x)=f(x)+ln 2 有两个极值点x 1 ,x 2 且x 1 <x 2 ,求证F(x 2 )> 1 4 .
【简答题】设a为常数,a∈R,函数f(x)=x 2 +|x-a|+1,x∈R. (1)若函数f(x)是偶函数,求实数a的值; (2)求函数f(x)的最小值.
【简答题】已知函数f(x)= (m,n∈R)在x=1处取得极大值2. (1)求函数f(x)的解析式; (2)求函数f(x)的极值; (3)设函数g(x)=x 2 -2ax+a,若对于任意x 2 ∈[-1,1],总存在x 1 ∈R,使得g(x 2 )≤f(x 1 ),求实数a的取值范围.
【简答题】A.Country music. B.The blues. C.Rock music. D.Disco music.
【简答题】设a∈R,函数f(x)=ax 3 -3x 2 ,x=2是函数y=f(x)的极值点. (1)求a的值; (2)求函数f(x)的单调区间.