【单选题】I had a hard time______every morning. It might be one of the bad habits 1 formed when I was young.
【简答题】One day I heard that one of my dear friends had lost his mother. This made me sad, for my friend was very close to his mother. He had been by her side as she traveled through her long and hard journey...
【单选题】My mother made me drink it.
【单选题】丁丁,女,足月顺产。生后第3天,面部皮肤发黄,精神尚佳,吃奶好,体温36.7°C。血白细胞12×10 9 /L,中性粒细胞55%,血清胆红素144μmol/L。生后第4天,该患儿皮肤巩膜明显黄染,嗜睡,吸吮反射减弱,肌张力降低,拥抱反射消失,再查血清胆红素升至428μmol/L。此时最可能发生的情况是
【单选题】Every time when something ____ me, I turn on the radio and listen to music.
【单选题】(Not until) my mother told me (the sad news) last night (did I knew) that our neighbor Dr. Li (was killed) in a car accident the week before.
【单选题】My mother made me my homework first yesterday. [ ]
【单选题】若x是整型变量,p是基类型为整型的指针变量,则正确的赋值表达式是 。