dance interest roots voice south instrument form music Jazz, the _______ of the American Negro, first became recognizable as a separate _______ of music towards the end of the 19th century in New Orleans, a city in the _______ of the United States of America. About 1910 dance musicians began using jazz phrases and today most _______ music includes many such phrases. During the last ten years jazz has enjoyed a tremendous revival of _____. The instruments used were trumpets, clarinet, guitar, and drums. In the early days the piano was added and then saxophones and later still other _______ were introduced into jazz bands. The fundamentals of jazz are: (1) an instumental style based on the imitation of the human__________;(2) a melodic style where major and minor keys are often undermined; (3) a rhythm which has its _______ in Africa; (4) improvisation, where each musician varies the melody from performance to performance.