【单选题】已知有如下定义和输入语句,若要求 a1,a2,c1,c2 的值分别为 10 , 20 , A 和 B ,当从第一列开始输入数据时,正确的数据输入方式是 ( )。 int a1,a2; char c1,c2; scanf("%d%c%d%c",&a1,&c1,&a2,&c2);
【单选题】下面说法中,与盐类水解有关的有( ) 1氯化铵溶液可作焊药去除金属制品表面的锈斑 2NaHCO 3 做发酵粉时加入柠檬酸后效果更好 3实验室配制AlCl 3 溶液,先把它溶解在浓盐酸中,而后加水稀释 4NH 4 F溶液不能保存在玻璃试剂瓶中 5实验室盛放Na 2 CO 3 、Na 2 SO 3 等溶液的试剂瓶应用橡皮塞 6NaHS溶液中c(H 2 S)>c(S 2 - )
【单选题】People's decisions to migrate might be influenced by all the following EX CEPT ______ .
【单选题】Which of the following statements is true about ex-smokers according to the passage? ______.
They begin to develop some diseases after quitting smoking
They can benefit little from quitting if they are heavy smoking
They are less likely to die after quitting even if they have serious diseases
They may regain their health almost completely if they quit in time
【单选题】已知: char b[20] ;若要从键盘输入字符串 “ hello World ! ”给 b ,则正确的输入语句是 __________ 。
scanf ( “ %s ”, b[20] );
【单选题】已知: char b[20]; ,若要从键盘输入字符串 "Hello World" ,则正确的输入语句是 。
scanf( " %s " ,b[20]);