【判断题】某6层教学楼工程,建筑面积8200m 2 ,现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构,7度抗震设防,由某施工单位中标施工,楼盖采用主次梁单向板肋形楼盖,主梁跨度9m,框架结构柱单独浇筑,楼盖梁板同时浇筑,采用覆膜多层胶合木模板,泵送商品混凝上,底层层高3.9m,底层框架结构施工时气温24℃。原设计楼面板受力筋采用HPB300级直径12mm间距200mm的钢筋,因市场供货原因,施工单位在征得监理单位和建设单位两者同意...
【单选题】Company.com is adding HACMP to an existing pair of nodes. One node is using EtherChannel with only one adapter. The other node is using regular Ethernet connection to the switch. The customer is goin...
Al interfaces used for HACMP heartbeats must be identical. Differences in the interfaces will cause heartbeat failure.
The network interfaces should all be configured with the same frame type. The use of regular Ethernet frames is mandatory.
Network interfaces for HACMP must be all the same,Ethernet or 802.3. It does not matter which,as long as they are all the same.
HACMP can use any network interface supported by AIX. The options on the various interfaces are masked by the Ethernet switch and do not affect HACMP.
【单选题】骨质疏松是老年性人群中常见的疾病,导致骨质疏松的主要原因是人体骨骼中缺少一种元素,这种元素是( )
【单选题】某现浇多层钢筋混凝土框架结构,底层中柱按轴心受压构件计算,承受的轴心压力设计值为2450kN 。柱高H为6.4m,采用C30混凝土,HRB400级钢筋,截面尺寸为400mm×400mm。试求该柱的的纵筋最接近以下哪个数值?
【单选题】某现浇多层钢筋混凝土框架结构,底层中柱按轴心受压构件计算,承受的轴心压力设计值为2450kN 。柱高H为6.4m,采用C30混凝土,HRB400级钢筋,截面尺寸为400mm×400mm。试求该柱的的纵筋最接近以下哪个数值?