【简答题】plc 软件系统有( ) 和( )两大部份
【简答题】PLC软件系统有( )和( ) 两大部分
【判断题】他知道那项任务很难,但还是接受了。 He was conscious of the difficulty of the task, but he still accepted it.
【简答题】某工程项目需要进行项目决算,相关财务资料如下: (1)已交付使用的资产包括:①固定资产价值32000万元,其中房屋、建筑物价值12000万元,折旧年限为40年;机器设备价值20000万元,折旧年限为l2年;②为生产准备的使用期限在一年以内的备品备件、工具、器具等流动资产价值6000万元;期限在一年以上,单位价值在800元至l500元的工具60万元;③建造期间购置的专利权、非专利技术等无形资产l00...
He was conscious of the difficulty of the task, but he still accepted it.
He was conscious that the difficulty of the task, but he still accepted it.
He was conscious of the difficult of the task, but he still accepted it.
He was conscious of the difficulty of the task, but he still refused it.
【简答题】plc 软件系统有 系统程序 和 两大部分。
【判断题】He was conscious of the difficulty of the task, but he still accepted it. 正确翻译为:他知道那项任务很难,但还是接受了。