【单选题】We still have class______ Saturday morning.
【单选题】Though _ _, we still have class. [ ]
【判断题】学前儿童身体保护和生活自理能力教育的内容,生活卫生方面,如厕 幼儿泌尿系统、消化系统、神经系统等影响其排便控制能力。需根据需要随时大小便。帮助其养成定时大便的习惯。教会正确大小便方法,以及便后卫生。
【简答题】阅读选择。 Here is Ben's wallpaper for his class. It is not finished, but we can still have a quick look at it. 1. Which flag does Ben need? [ ] A. B. C. D. 2. In the park, we shake hands with a man wh...