【单选题】一旦数名武装海盗已经上船,船员 ____ 。①不要直接与持枪海盗抗衡;②应迅速撤离甲板进入生括区;③封闭所有通道,④尽量拖延时间,以待外部的可能救援。
【单选题】In addition to the rising birtharate and immigration, the _____ death rate also contributed to the population growth.
【单选题】请问“岭外音书绝,经冬复历春”中的那个字是错的?( )
【简答题】In addition to some decoration, I got what we needed at the party in the supermarket.
【单选题】I feel I am cntitled to a full refund in addition to an apology for the inconvenience( )
【单选题】I feel I am entitled to a full refund in addition to an apology for the inconvience .