【单选题】填入文中横线上的诗句是( )张文在送别即将参加工作的学长时深情地说:“海内存知己,____________。祝你工作得意,前程似锦!”
【简答题】(每空2分,共14分) 中国是《日内瓦协定书》的缔约国,一贯反对使用化学武器,反对任何形式的化学武器扩散,苯氯乙酮是一种具有荷花香味且具有强催泪作用的化学毒 (1)苯氯乙酮分子中,在同一平面内的碳原子最多有 个。 (2)苯氯乙酮不可能发生的化学反应是 。 A.加成反应 B.取代反应 C.消去反应 D.水解反应 E.银镜反应 (3)分子中有苯环但不含甲基,且能发生银镜反应的苯氯乙酮的同分异构体有 种...
【单选题】--__________________ --No, she fed some coes on the farm.
What does she do every day?
What did she do yesterday?
Were there any cows on the farm?
【单选题】She is fed up with sharing a house with others; ___, she is looking for her own flat.
【单选题】She is fed up with sharing a house with others; _____, she is looking for her own flat. [ ]
【简答题】Although she was totally ______, she was chosen over more than a thousand other actresses for a role in "Superman. " (experience)