After booking the rooms online, Lin Hong called the hotel reception to confirm the information. Please complete the conversation between Lin Hong and the receptionist with the information in the text. Receptionist: Good morning, The Park Hotel New Delhi. May I help you? Lin Hong: Good morning. This is Lin Hong from Beijing. I’d like to confirm my online reservation. Receptionist: All right, Ms. Lin. Please hang on and I’ll check it for you. Lin Hong: Thank you. Receptionist: You’ve booked two 1. , right? Lin Hong: Yes, from 2. to 3. . Receptionist: Each of your rooms costs 4. for one night and the total cost is 5. . Would you like to confirm your credit card information? Lin Hong: Yes, please. I remember I fill in the online table with my 6. . Receptionist: Could you tell me the card holder’s name? Lin Hong: Lin Hong. Receptionist: That’s correct. Ms. Lin, you may come to check in directly with your passport when you arrive. Lin Hong: Thank you very much. Goodbye. Receptionist: Goodbye.
【简答题】Create a class Circle2D which contains: ■ Two properties named X and Y of type double, that specify the center of the circle. ■ A property Radius of type double. ■ A no-arg constructor that creates a ...
【简答题】The example application, NotificationStatusBar, creates a PendingIntent using the PendingIntent.getActivity() method. The call to that method passes in an Intent flag, Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK. W...
【简答题】yzer approach — this method creates a competitive business strategy that is based on evaluating the successes of competitors. The yzer approach focuses on attempts to copy and make improvement...
【单选题】This method creates an atmosphere ------ to expansion.
【简答题】Defender approach — this method creates a strategy that is based on focusing on a smaller number of products and services. The strategy developed through this method will place greater importance on i...
【简答题】设有一个SPJ数据库,包括S,P,J,SPJ 4个关系模式: S(SNO,SNAME,STATUS,CITY): P(PNO,PNAME,COLOR,WEIGHT): J(JNO,JNAME,CITY): SPJ(SNO,PNO,JNO,QTY): 供应商表S由供应商代码(SNO)、供应商姓名(SNAME)、供应商状态(STATUS)、供应商所在城市(CIIY)组成。 零件表P由零件代码(PNO)...
【简答题】Differentiation approach — this method creates a strategy that is based on providing products or services that are thought to be distinctive. The differentiation approach focuses on offering unique pr...
【简答题】Translate the following passage into Chinese. Prospector approach — this method creates a competitive business strategy that is based on innovation ( 创新 ) and exploring new market opportunities. The p...