【单选题】根据上文,回答第 82~84 题。 男性患者,58岁,外出途中突然头痛,眩晕,伴呕吐,走路不稳,查血压24/14KPa,心率62次/分,双眼向右眼震,右侧指鼻久稳准,右侧巴氏征阳性。 第 82 题 最可能的诊断是( )。
【简答题】( 单项选择题 ) 建筑施工企业出借资质证书允许他人以本企业的名义承揽工程,情节严重的,其可能受到的最严重的行政处罚是( )。 A. 吊销资质证书 B. 责令改正,没收违法所得 C. 降低资质等级 D. 处以罚款
【简答题】She read a poem which depicts the splendor of the sunset.( )
【单选题】建筑施工企业出借资质证书允许他人以本企业的名义承揽工程,情节严重的,可能受到的最严重的行政处罚是( )
【单选题】根据上文,回答第 69~71 题。 男性患者,58岁,外出途中突然头痛,眩晕,伴呕吐,走路不稳,查血压24/14KPa,心率62次/分,双眼向右眼震,右侧指鼻久稳准,右侧巴氏征阳性。 第 69 题 最可能的诊断是( )。
【简答题】She read a poem which depicts the splendor of the sunset.
【单选题】建筑施工企业出借资质证书允许他人以本企业的名义承揽工程,情节严重的,其可能受到的最严重的行政处罚是( )。
【单选题】Which reader's comment matches with this poem?
It's a powerful poem, which suggests that love can even be quite violent,but at the same time it is full of very strong emotion.
I think the poet doesn't have much hope that his love will be returned, and feels rather sorry for himself.
This poem replaces traditional romatic images of love with quite ordinary objects, which become effective images simply beccause they are so ordinary.
I think the message of the poem is that love, like life itself, is short. The poet is thinking about how quickly time has passed and it is quite sad.