阅读理解。 What are emotions? As far as we know, human beings have always had emotions. Poets write about them, singers sing about them, and lovers and friends talk about them. We know that we can 'control' emotions, express' emotions and ' feel' emotions. Is it possible that we can smell emotions? Are we able, like some animals, to smell fear? Sometimes you can see what emotions a person is feeling. When people are happy, they smile; when they are sad, they might cry; when they are angry, their faces might turn red; when they are feeling shy, they might sweat (出汗). These are all physical reactions (反应), so can we say that emotions are physical reactions to something in our lives? The problem is that emotions don't always include physical reactions that we can see. Some people are good at hiding their emotions, and different people can have different physical reactions to the same emotion. Some people's faces, for example, go white when they are angry and some people's faces turn red. Some people go quiet when they are angry and some people shout. Sometimes there is a physical reaction that we can't see. For example, a person might he nervous and feel sick inside, but other people might not be able to see that We might be able to see or smell emotions, but we can't touch them. Can we describe them? In one way we can describe emotions. Everybody has some idea what 'happy' and 'sad' mean. But in another way it is difficult to describe emotions. Is the way you 'love' your pet, your family, your friend, or your husband and wife the same? I always think it is strange in English that we often write 'love' at the bottom of a Christmas card or a letter to a relative we hardly know or hardly ever see. We might write 'love' al the bottiom of a letter to someone of the opposite sex (性别) who is just a friend, but we wouldn't write 'love' at the bottom of a letter to somebody of the same sex even if we know that friend much better. Some people say that emotions are just a chemical reaction, but I don't want to believe that. I don't know what they are, but life would be boring without them. 1. According to the passage, because you can 'express' emotions, _______. A. your face might turn red when you feel shy. B. you might know it when you're in danger. C. you might smile when you're happy. D. you are good at hiding your emotions. 2. Which reaction is NOT mentioned when people are angry? A. Their faces turn white or red. B. They don't seem to like to talk to others. C. They often talk to people in a loud voice. D. They write to their friends or relatives. 3. Which of the following is 'IRUE'? A. Emotions only include physical reactions. B. We can hardly see a person's feelings from his face. C. We might smell or see emotions, but we can't touch them. D. We write 'love' at the bottom of the letter to our closest friends. 4. In the writer's opinion, what is 'emotion'? A. It's hard to say what it is. B. It is just a chemical reaction. C. It's a physical reaction to something in our lives. D. It can be controlled, felt, expressed and known easily.
【单选题】职业随着社会的发展而产生和发展。很多过去的职业悄然消失,如补锅工、烧水工等,新的职业也层出不穷,如网络直播、试睡员等,但是构成职业的三个基本要素并没有发生根本性改变,它们是( )。 1劳动 2有固定的报酬或收入 3要承担一定的职责并得到社会的承认 4能创造幸福的生活