【简答题】在严格的厌氧条件下酒精发酵过程中,使用放射性标记的碳源进行示踪原子实验。 ( a)如果葡萄糖的第1个碳用14C标记,那么14C将出现在产物乙醇的哪个位置上? ( b)在起始的葡萄糖分子的哪个位置上标记14C ,才能使乙醇发酵释放出的二氧化碳都是14C标记的14CO 2 。
【简答题】横线里最大能填几? ______×2<15 9×______<60 5×______<44.
【简答题】“家鸡打得团团转,野鸡不打满天飞”反映了( )。
【单选题】how often the people went out and what kinds of ______
【多选题】经济效益审计按实施审计时间的不同,可以分为( )。
【简答题】Five students went out for a one-week trip in the countryside. When they returned, the group leader wrote a report about each student. _ A. He was getting on very well until he hurt his foot on the ...