Ladies and Gentlemen , Welcome to the world-famous Songshan Shaolin Temple in Henan province.It is my honor to be your tour guide.Now we are going to visit the birth place of Chinese Zen, the Shaolin Temple.The construction of Shaolin Temple began during the 19th year of the Northern Wei Dynasty Xiaowen (Yuan Hong) Emperor’s reign (495 A.D.) to settle the Indian Buddhist priest Batuo.It is named“Shaolin Temple” because it is located in the midst of Shaoshi Mountain’s forests.In 527 , the 3rd year of the Northern Wei Dynasty Taihe Emperor’s reign , Bodhi Dharma , a 28 th Generation Buddha, arrived at Shaolin after three years’long journey.His arrival sparked the rapid growth of Zen Buddhism’s influence and popularity.Hence , Shaolin Temple is known as “the imperial sacrifices courtyard’’ throughout the Buddhist world and developed rapidly , especially after the thirteen sticks monks rescued Li Shimin, a very famous and able emperor in Chinese history.The temple won an important place in the Tang dynasty and was reputed to be the “Number One ancient temple in the world”. For present Shaolin Temple, the ancient and mystical Buddhism has brought its name far in the world.However, Shaolin is most renowned in China and elsewhere for its exquisite Shaolin Kung Fu.As an old saying goes , “the Chinese Kung Fu crowns the world and its source is the Shaolin Temple”.The temple is the cradle of Shaolin martial arts, which are universally acknowledged as the orthodox martial arts school in China. The Shaolin Temple scenic area is one of the most famous tourist attractions in China.In 2000 the Shaolin Temple scenic area was designated a first batch 4A level traveling area and recognized by the national travel agency as the highest-level Chinese tourist attraction. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the end of our visit to the Shaolin Temple.Thank you for your cooperation.Hope to see you again here.Thank you.Goodbye! 尊敬的各位来宾: 大家好 !欢迎来河南嵩山游览,很荣幸能成为你们的导游。我们现在要去参观游览中国禅宗的发源地——少林寺。少林寺始建于北魏太和十九年(公元495年),由孝文帝元宏为安顿印度僧人跋陀,辟基而创建,因其坐落于少室山密林之中,故名“少林寺”。北魏三年(公元527年)释迦牟尼的第二十八代佛徒菩提达摩历时三年到达少林寺,首传禅宗,影响极大。因此,少林寺被世界佛教统称为“禅宗祖庭”,并在此基础上迅速发展,特别是唐初十三棍僧救驾后得到了唐王朝的高度重视,博得了“天下第一名刹”的美誉。 现在的少林寺不仅因其古老神秘的佛教文化名扬天下,更因其精湛的少林功夫而驰名中外。 “中国功夫冠天下,天下武功出少林",这里是少林武术的发源地,少林武术也是举世公认的中国武术正宗流派。 少林寺景区还是我国著名的旅游胜地之一。 2000年,少林寺景区被国家旅游局首批认定为4A级旅游区。 好了,各位游客,少林寺的参观活动就要结束了,欢迎大家有机会再到少林寺参观旅游,学拳习武,谢谢 ! 再见!