【单选题】先随机选择一些被访者并对其实施访问,再请他们提供另外一些属于所研究目标总体的调查对象,根据所形成的线索选择此后的调查对象,这是一种( )。
【单选题】If we were to allow that much current to go through the ignition switch, we would____ need a very large switch, but all the wireswould have to be the size of battery cables.
【单选题】If you need any article produced in this country, we shall be very glad to _______ for you.
【单选题】—Is the H1N1 flu (流感) very serious now? —No, I don't think so. However, we _______ need to be careful with it. [ ]
【多选题】采用权益法核算的长期股权投资,不会引起长期股权投资账面价值发生增减变动的事项有( )。
【单选题】At a time of this economic crisis, our _____ should be very clear about what we need to do.
【单选题】Although _______ manga (日本漫画) can be very interesting, we need to remember that _____ other kinds of things is necessary.
【判断题】树种组成单一、林分结构简单是当前我国森林培育的问题之一 ( )