I’d been proud that I’d never lost my cellphone until my husband Jack got a call one evening. We went to visit a friend in hospital last year. When Jack’s 36 rang, it was my mother calling from my 37 . She asked if I had 38 my mobile. I checked my purse. It was 39 ! I used Jack’s phone to call my number. Then a boy, whom I’ll call Rhys, 40 it. “I found your phone!” he said, excitedly. “I have been trying to find you, but 41 it was getting late, I decided to leave.” He gave me the address of a 42 near his home. Later that evening, I went to 43 him there. I didn’t dare to go 44 , worrying this was some cheater. So Jack came along. After 45 10km, we got to the coffee shop which Rhys 46 . My 47 were gone. Rhys was just a young boy. “How did you 48 my mum?” I asked. He 49 that when he found my mobile by the roadside, he started calling people in my list of contacts. But all they 50 was my mobile phone number—which didn’t 51 . He’d called many names, starting with the letter A. Finally he got Adam, one of my friends, who 52 my house. I was 53 to get my phone back with all the contacts, messages and photos I could have lost for ever. I was so 54 to Rhys and offered him some money, but he 55 . As we drove back, we praised Rhys for his honesty. 小题1: A.electric car B.mobile phone C.radio D.doorbell 小题2: A.hospital B.company C.school D.home 小题3: A.found B.changed C.lost D.bought 小题4: A.gone B.new C.busy D.broken 小题5: A.accepted B.returned C.got D.answered 小题6: A.before B.because C.after D.if 小题7: A.coffee shop B.post office C.hotel D.supermarket 小题8: A.follow B.meet C.catch D.punish 小题9: A.slowly B.back C.alone D.finally 小题10: A.driving B.running C.walking D.riding 小题11: A.talked about B.looked for C.heard of D.knew about 小题12: A.difficulties B.fears C.diseases D.hopes 小题13: A.remember B.know C.tell D.understand 小题14: A.realized B.repeated C.explained D.believed 小题15: A.had B.noticed C.expected D.finished 小题16: A.happen B.matter C.help D.fit 小题17: A.called B.visited C.shared D.sold 小题18: A.sorry B.glad C.sad D.proud 小题19: A.useful B.strange C.grateful D.polite 小题20:A missed B. appeared C. agreed D. refused
【简答题】张某作为总经理经营一家物业管理单位,该单位隶属于原来的房地产开发公司。为了承揽外部业务和扩大规模,该企业经过房地产开发公司同意决定重组。该公司管理三个住宅小区,三个住宅小区分别是多层住宅20万m2、多层住宅25万m2和高层住宅15万m2。2006年10月31日取得了营业执照,拟向当地房地产管理部门申请资质。 物业管理企业有哪些特点?
【简答题】张某作为总经理经营一家物业管理单位,该单位隶属于原来的房地产开发公司。为了承揽外部业务和扩大规模,该企业经过房地产开发公司同意决定重组。该公司管理三个住宅小区,三个住宅小区分别是多层住宅20万m2、多层住宅25万m2和高层住宅15万m2。2006年10月31日取得了营业执照,拟向当地房地产管理部门申请资质。 物业管理企业有哪些常见模式?每个模式的特点有哪些?该企业重组设置的企业是什么模式?
【判断题】In America, if someone asks you, “What’s your first name?” it means “What’s your given name?” True or False?
【简答题】张某作为总经理经营一家物业管理单位,该单位隶属于原来的房地产开发公司。为了承揽外部业务和扩大规模,该企业经过房地产开发公司同意决定重组。该公司管理三个住宅小区,三个住宅小区分别是多层住宅20万m2、多层住宅25万m2和高层住宅15万m2。2006年10月31日取得了营业执照,拟向当地房地产管理部门申请资质。 该企业向当地房地产管理部门申请物业管理企业资质,最迟的时间是哪一天?