有一,其中有单词连续重复了多次,编写程序检查重复的单词并只保留一个。例如:文本内容为 ”This is is a a a book.” ,程序输出为 ”This is a book.” ,并且输出连续重复的单词及次数。 程序运行示例如下: 请输入一: This is is a a a book. This is a book. 连续重复出现的单词及次数: is 2 a 3
【简答题】DNS是实现 了命名服务器多层结构的分布式数据库,是一个主机名到IP地址映射的应用层协议。 The DNS ( Name System) is a distributed implemented in a hierarchy of name , and is an application-layer protocol that host names to IP addresses.