【简答题】读“我国四大地理区域分布示意图”,回答下列问题: (1)图中A、B、C、D四个区域中,武夷山市所在的区域是 (填字母),该地区的植被类型是 ________ 。 (2)在②③两地中,森林资源丰富的是____ (3)D区域最突出的自然地理特征是______划分D区域的主导因素是____________ (4)A区域最突出的自然地理特征是 本区有我国最大的省区甲_________ _ __ ___甲...
【判断题】The major disadvantage of on-line ads is that, due to the limited screen space of computer monitors, many of them are too small .()
【单选题】Can you compress your speech into five minutes due to limited time for the meeting?
【简答题】Even in online environments, ____________ can be very limited due to the lack of time.