【简答题】请编程,实现4个LED灯闪烁,时间分别是500ms,800ms,1200ms,1500ms. 要求拍录像上传,并报出学号和姓名
【简答题】两个按键控制数码管数字,一个按键 加,一个按键 减。拍摄录像上传,在录像时要报出自己的姓名,学号。
【简答题】One fine afternoon I was walking along the Fifth Avenue, when I remembered that it was necessary to buy a pair of socks.I 36 the first sock shop that caught my eye, and 37 , not more than 17, came for...
【简答题】While ___ along the street, I met an old friend of mine. A.I walking B.was walking C.I am walking D.walking
【单选题】In very high latitudes,the most practical chart projection is the ______.
【单选题】While I was walking along the lake, I saw some fish out of the water.
【单选题】关于降水与排水施工质量验收说法不正确的是( )。
井点管理设位置、间距、深度、过滤沙砾料应符合设计要求。真空井点真空度应保持在 60kpa 以上,压力应保持在 0.16Mpa
深井、管井井点埋设井底沉渣厚度应小于 80mm, 使用应无严重淤塞,没有出水不畅或死井等情况,降低降水深度应符合设计要求。
电渗井点一般是利用轻型或喷射井点管本身作阳极;沿基坑 ( 槽、沟 ) 外围布置,用直径 50 ~ 70mm 钢管或直径 25mm 以上钢筋作阴极。
【单选题】I met a friend of mine _________ I was walking along the street.