【简答题】If they had not overthrown the former regime, they would not live a happy life today.
【简答题】(4分)水是最普通、最常见的物质之一。 (1)“水”有很多种。下列“水”属于纯净物的是 (填字母序号)。 A.河水 B.自来水 C.矿泉水 D.蒸馏水 (2)下列做法会造成水体污染的是 (填字母) . A.随意弃置废旧电池 B.含二氧化硫的工业废气任意排放 C.工业废水处理达标后再排放 D.严格监管化肥和农药的使用 (3)水是重要的溶...
【简答题】已知某汽车的总质量 m =5000kg, C D =0.7, A =4m 2 ,旋转质量换算系数δ=1.35,坡度角 α =5°, f =0.015,传动系效率 η T =0.8 ,加速度 =0.25m/s 2 , u a =40km/h ,此时克服各种阻力需要的发动机输出功率是多少?
【简答题】If they are not sincere and do not practice what they preach(说教), their children may become confused, and emotionally insecure when they grow old enough to think for themselves and realize they have b...