【判断题】Social practices are the predicable behavior patterns that members of a culture typically follow. There are two types, one is formal, the other is informal. ( )
【单选题】分配数列中,当标志值较小而权数较大时,计算的算术平均数( )。
【单选题】There are rules to follow for making instructions effective. The first is to use simple instruction and make them suit the comprehension level of the _________.
【单选题】计算机中主存储器的容量是指它能存储的二进制信息的多少,其度量单位现在普遍使用的是“兆字节”(MB),1MB等于( )字节。
【单选题】Directions: Read the following passage and decide what problem it contains: 选择题 Argument 1 There was a murder near the station last night. There are always young lads hanging around there. One of them...
Conclusion does not follow from the propositions given
The propositions are not good for the argument
【单选题】在分配数列中,当标志值较小而权数较大时计算的算术平均数( )