【简答题】Which of the following is true of the teacher’S correction of his student’s writing errors?
【简答题】甲企业是增值税一般纳税人,适用的增值税税率为17%,该企业采用应收账款余额百分比法对应收账款计提坏账准备,提取比例为4%。2002年至2003年发生的有关经济业务及资料如下: ①2003年1月1日的应收账款余额为100万元,坏账准备科目有贷方余额4万元。 ②2003年1月1日售出大型设备一套,协议约定采用分期收款方式,从销售当年末分5年分期收款,每年1 000万元,合计5 000万元,成本为3 0...
【单选题】Many children enjoyed the book Harry Potter ________ by JK Rowling. [ ]
【多选题】下列各项中,属于资源税纳税义务的人有( )
【单选题】Which of the following is true of the teacher's correction of his student's writing errors?
It is good to correct all the errors.
A teacher should write something on the papers to encourage his students.
A teacher's handwriting ,must be tidy and clear.
A teacher had better point out the way for each student to improve his writing.
【单选题】The idea of being evaluated by ______ makes some managers uneasy.
【单选题】Writing in your diary every day is _____ good habit, which can help you make _____ progress in writing.