Refer to the exhibit. A junior network administrator was given the task of configuring port security on SwitchA to allow only PC_A to access the switched network through port fa0/If any other device is detected, the port is to drop frames from this device. The administrator configured the interface and tested it with successful pings from PC_A to RouterA, and then observes the output from these two show commands.Which two of these changes are necessary for SwitchA to meet the requirements? (Choose two.)
所示:网络管理员的任务是在SwitchA上配置端口安全,只允许PC_A通过端口fa0 / 1访问交换网络。 如果检测到任何其他设备,则将从此设备中删除该帧。 管理员配置了接口,PC_A 能够ping通RouterA,观察两个show命令的输出。为了满足需求,SwitchA需要更改哪两项配置?(选择两项)
Port security needs to be globally enabled.
Port security needs to be enabled on the interface.
Port security needs to be configured to shut down the interface in the event of a violation.
生违规时,需要配置端口安全的操作为shut down。
Port security needs to be configured to allow only one learned MAC address.
Port security interface counters need to be cleared before using the show command. K. 用show命令之前,需要清除端口安全计数器。 L. The port security configuration needs to be saved to NVRAM before it can become active.